15 December 2009

Inside Godzilla

A Japanese illustrator has offered this suggestion on how Godzilla’s anatomy might work.

The illustration reveals huge lungs so the monster can hold its breath an extremely long time as it walks the ocean floor. Serious leg bones and muscles support its 20,000 tonne weight. It has a sophisticated system, featuring a uranium sack and a nuclear reaction sack, to produce radioactive fire-breath. However do not expect any sophisticated opinions from Godzilla. It has a very small brain.

08 December 2009

Ugly Beastie

Pity the Blobfish, who has almost no muscle and is frequently called “the ugliest thing alive.”

They live deep deep down in the waters around Australia. The female of the species is unusual among fish in that after laying eggs she sits on them until hatched. Then again, it might just be lazyness. Blobfish don’t move much anytime. They only eat when something edible happens to float by.