01 November 2011

Kid’s Lit Quiz

I will be a guest at The Kids' Lit Quiz which will be held at Wellington College in Belfast on Thursday the 10th of November. It is an annual international reading quiz for students aged 10-13 years. 26 teams from 19 different schools across Northern Ireland will be competing for reading honours. I’m told that previous quizzes have had rounds on everything from “pigs, primates and publishers' logos to Harry Potter, Dr Seuss and famous first lines." All regions of the United Kingdom take part along with New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, the USA and China. The regional heat winners will compete in the UK Final at Warwick University in December. The UK champions will then travel to New Zealand to take on the International teams who will be battling it out for the coveted World Title. There are all sorts of prizes to be won and, of course, there’s the glory.

I am bringing an additional prize for the Northern Irish quiz, it is a drawing in a frame and will be presented along with one of my books. It will be awarded to the winner of a Monster drawing competition. I drew this picture when beginning to write The Badness of Ballydog. When writing I often sketch props and characters to help me get a clear idea of them in my head. This particular picture is of May looking over the side of the Sunny Buoy at a certain leatherback turtle. A turtle who turns out to be important in the story.

I look forward to partaking in the day, testing my knowledge of youth literature and seeing all the student’s artwork.


  1. Very good. I have seen the winning picture and the prize with my own eyes. I was at the KIDS LIT QUIZ as a member of WELLINGTON COLLEGE 1. When you were at WELLINGTON COLLEGE on the 14TH I was in the audience and I answered and asked tons of questions.

  2. Hello, thanks for your comment. I enjoyed my visit to your school a great deal. There were some great questions, perhaps some were yours.

    Best wishes

  3. There's more stuff over on the Andrew, May and Ewan Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrew-May-and-Ewan/258177858737


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